Volunteering is important! We've got big positions and small positions and ones in between! We've got opportunities for stay-at-home parents and working parents alike. We have a place for you within our PTA, and your kids love it when you volunteer! If you are already involved in our PTA, thank you. If you'd like to get more involved, just sign up!
Think about your skill set ... Are you artsy? Do you enjoy photography? Are you a stickler for detail? And consider your interests: Are you passionate about quality education? What areas specifically interest you - Math, Science or Language Arts? Do you want to assist our awesome teachers?
Read about all the exciting volunteer opportunities below, and join us as we serve the students of JWE!
Please note!! All volunteers are required to register with the District as part of its Raptor Volunteer Initiative. Click here to find out more information and to register.
Questions? Contact our VP of Volunteers at vpvips@jwepta.org.
The Arts in Education committee is responsible for organizing and implementing programs for students and parents emphasizing fine arts experiences. This committee also assists our art teacher, Mrs. Kress, as needs arise! artsineducation@jwepta.org
Counselor Crew supports our school counselor, Mrs. Clay, with different programs and initiatives. counselorliaison@jwepta.org
The Environmental Committee helps promote environmental awareness initiatives and also helps maintain the potted plants at the front and side entrances of the school. environmental@jwepta.org
Eureka Science is a PTA-funded, parent/teacher run science program that gives each student hands-on science experience. Volunteers assist students with experiments at different stations and are guided by the Eureka Coordinators. Sample programs include themes such as electrostatics, spiders, forms of matter and much more! eurekascience@jwepta.org
Fall Fundraiser Committee - JWE PTA hosts an annual Fall Fundraiser in October, and we need volunteers to make this happen! Sign up if you'd like to be a part of the Fall Fundraiser Committee.
Father/Daughter Event - JWE PTA hosts an annual Father/Daughter event each spring. The committee will help coordinate a theme, decorations, food/beverages, photos and more for this well-loved event.
Fifth Grade Party - Each year in May, a fun-filled party is held for 5th Graders as a way to say "Goodbye to JWE". Volunteers will work as a committee to coordinate invitations, tickets, decorations, games and activities, food, photos, administrative tasks, and much more for this super special event. FIFTH GRADE PARENTS ONLY, please. 5thgradeparty@jwepta.org
The Healthy Lifestyles Committee supports the PE Department in providing programs and services to promote good physical and mental health and health education. Events include Glow Run, Field Day, etc. healthylifestyles@jwepta.org
Holiday Event with Santa - Ho, ho, ho! The JWE PTA will host a family holiday event with Santa in early December! Sign up if you're interested in being a part of the planning committee!
The Homeroom Parents Committee is comprised of parents that serve as the liaison between the PTA, the homeroom teacher, and the parents. The Homeroom Parent supports the class and coordinates class volunteer opportunities (e.g., class reader, bulletin boards, etc.). SIGN UP PROCESS: To make sure everyone who is interested has the chance to serve, these popular volunteer spots will not be first come first served but will be selected by drawing names of those interested. Make sure you sign up on the website by September 5th if you are interested. homeroomcoordinator@jwepta.org
The Hospitality Committee hosts several events throughout the year to make both parents and faculty/staff feel welcomed and appreciated. Last year’s hospitality efforts included a “Back to School Luncheon” for the faculty and staff, a “Tears and Cheers” event on the first day of school for all parents, monthly teacher mailbox treats, and much more! hospitality@jwepta.org
International Night at JWE showcases the many diverse cultures of our families. Our JWE families take full ownership in organizing a booth displaying aspects of their culture including food, clothing articles, artifacts, and/or favors. This is a highly-attended event, and please sign up if you are interested in hosting a booth or helping coordinate the event!
LASSO (Linking Adults and Students in Self-Discovery Opportunities) occurs one day per year per grade level. During this event, students rotate to different stations and have the opportunity to engage in activities that correlate with their grade-level subject matter. Last year’s themes included STEAM OLYMPICS for third grade and Colonial America for the fifth grade. lasso@jwepta.org
Library volunteers help the library run smoothly by shelving books and assisting students with the checkout process. Volunteers may also help with Book Fairs and other activities. libraryliaison@jwepta.org
Mother/Son Event - JWE PTA hosts an annual Mother/Son event. The committee helps coordinate the venue, tickets, food, activities and more. Sign up if interested in helping with this fun event!
The Reading Support Volunteer Program(RSVP) provides one-on-one reading assistance for select JWE students. Reading Coaches spend 30 minutes reading with a child on his or her predetermined reading level. Since this program serves students one on one, the more volunteers we have, the more students we help. rsvp@jwepta.org
School Clinic Screenings Volunteers assist our staff nurse, Lorien Martinez, in facilitating the screening of our students' hearing and vision one time during the year. No medical training required! Volunteers can assist in collecting children from classes, assisting district-provided screeners, and various other administrative tasks.
The Spring Fundraiser Committee plans JWE PTA's annual spring fundraiser that includes a student event and adult-only event with dinner, raffles, and online auction. Volunteers are needed to serve on different committees, such as venue/decor, ticket/wristband sales, auction, and raffle baskets. hoedown@jwepta.org
Translation Team. Are you fluent in both English and Spanish? Our PTA is looking for a few more volunteers to help us translate documents from English into Spanish to support our PTA programs. This is a great opportunity for those who prefer the flexibility of volunteering from home.
The Yearbook team is comprised of volunteers who work throughout the year to create a book of memories that our children will cherish forever. Photographers welcome! yearbook@jwepta.org
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, April 1
- Friday, April 4
- Monday, April 7
- Tuesday, April 8
- Wednesday, April 9
- Thursday, April 10
- Friday, April 11
Membership Awards