Elected Officers and Their Roles

We have eight officer positions that are elected by the membership of our association in March of each year. Their positions and duties are as follows:



The president serves as the presiding officer of JWE PTA and presides over executive board and membership meetings. The president directs the affairs of the association in cooperation with the other members of the executive board for a term of one year. The term begins July 1st and ends on June 30th of the upcoming school year, as specified in the JWE PTA bylaws. Participation and cooperation secured from officers, committee chairs and members will determine the success of the administration. The president serves as an ex-officio member of every committee of JWE PTA, except for that of the Nominating and Financial Reconciliation Committees.



Mallory Payne is serving as the 2023-2024 President. She has two daughters at JWE (2nd and 5th grades) as well as a preschool son.



1st VP Programs

The 1st VP Programs oversees and helps coordinate the many programs that JWE PTA provides that enrich and support our children's education. Math, reading, writing, science, social studies, art, music, and physical education are among the curriculum areas that are supported through programs such as Eureka Science, LASSO,  and much more.



Patti Stoddart is serving as the 2023-2024 1st VP Programs. She has a daughter in 5th grade at JWE and a daughter in 8th grade at Beck.



2nd VP Membership

Membership provides the backbone of any association. Without members, JWE PTA would not exist. It is in that spirit that our 2nd VP Membership realizes that membership does not consist of merely numbers. We look beyond the number of memberships and strive to build an informed team of individuals working on the behalf of all children. A membership involved in the school and community will build the foundation for its children and generations to come.



Holly Heston is serving as the 2023-2024 2nd VP Membership. She has a son in 5th grade at JWE, a son in 8th grade at Beck, and a daughter in 10th grade at Cinco Ranch High School.


3rd VP Fundraising

The primary emphasis in our PTA should focus upon the promotion of the Purposes. The real working capital of JWE PTA lies in its members, not the treasury. Fundraising is not a primary function of the PTA. That being said, with the scope and breadth of our PTA, it takes lots of funding to make it all work! The responsibility of raising the amount of money needed to meet the proposed budget lies with the fundraising committee, led by our 3rd VP Fundraising. We aim to raise only those funds necessary to meet the needs of the year’s activities and projects as outlined in the budget. We choose wisely the fundraiser that best meets our real needs.


Jolena Tu is serving as the 2023-2024 3rd VP Fundraising. She has a daughter in 4th grade at JWE, a daughter in 7th grade at Beck, and a daughter who's a freshman in college.

4th VP Volunteers (VIPS)

The focus of the 4th VP of Volunteers is to promote good relations between school and community and to determine and implement the best methods for recruiting volunteers to meet the needs of the school. JWE PTA's VP of Volunteers works with the principal, the teachers, the volunteers and KISD's volunteer (VIPS) coordinator. Duties include: organzing and promoting volunteer workshops and training sessions; helping volunteers to become familiar with JWE's school policies, people, programs and the building itself; surveying PTA committee chairs, the teachers and school staff to determine their needs for volunteer help; reporting volunteer hours to the KISD VIPS office; and supervising and evaulating the ongoing volunteer program.



Jemma MacMillan is serving as the 2023-2024 4th VP Volunteers. She has a son in 3rd grade and a daughter in 5th grade at JWE.



5th VP Communication

JWE PTA added its 5th Vice President in its 2011 bylaws revision. Since the website has become an integral part of our PTA, it became necessary to have the "webmaster" become an elected officer. As the website is the hub of our communication, the title VP Communication was born. Communication in any organization is key, ours being no exception. The 5th VP Communication not only oversees the website but also manages all communications that are delivered to our members. 



Jami Walther is serving as the 2023-2024 5th VP of Communications. She has a daughter in 5th grade at JWE and a daughter in 8th grade at Beck.  




The secretary is responsible for keeping accurate records of the proceedings of the association. The office of secretary is a very important one, as minutes are a legal document. A secretary has the qualities of accuracy, dependability, and promptness, and a thorough knowledge of PTA Purposes, bylaws, policies and methods.




Ashley Hopkins is serving as the 2023-2024 Secretary.  She has a son in 2nd grade and a son in 5th grade at JWE.




The treasurer, as the authorized custodian of the funds of the association, receives and disburses all monies indicated in the budget and prescribed in the JWE PTA bylaws or as authorized by action of the association.The bylaws require the treasurer to present a financial report at membership meetings, executive board meetings and at other times when requested by the association or executive board. This financial report is filed, to be referred at the appropriate time to the Financial Reconciliation Committee, who reports to the association at such time as the bylaws require.



Erin Johnson is serving as the 2023-2024 Treasurer. She has a son in 2nd grade and a daughter in 5th grade at JWE.
